Its offish. We are marriaged!! and i cant believe its already been two weeks! words cannot even express how beautiful our wedding day was. in LOVE. i am currently blogging at my moms abode so i dont have all my photos from the day.. and i have yet to recieve the ones from our actual ceromony. so to be continued on those. but i DO have some bridals! alixann loosle took them and what a stunning job she did. you can peep her here
there is SOOOOOOOOO much to say about July 9 2010, but for today i will be brief, and will get to the "wedding post" with all the deets from the day and honeymoon when i have more time. i know i know...what a drag, i promise ill get there! i will leave you with these lovelies, just a peek at whats to come!
THANK YOU thank you!! for all who came and shared that special day with us!
we love you!!